Learning the Language of Neurons

We aim to do science like it's 1889, understanding nature through affecting change.

Breaking out of the descriptive Aristotelian paradigm to figure out how to influence the world, specifically: ourselves.

Our path, past and future:

Cognitive age reversal

Our first experiments revolved around testing trivial ways to reverse cognitive age by decades - We were pretty sure this was possible, we found out it indeed was, but we got stuck trying to understand the mechanisms.


Brain-Muscle Mapping

Present efforts revolve around trying to understand how to potentiate the brain's control over our muscular system. This research is still in its infancy, but we have some cool prototypes to show.


Dolphin Sleep

Using an AI system that collects whole-body functional data, we will be able to selectively help muscles and brain regions rest in a way that mimicks the effects of sleep.


Our group-house-lab in Barcelona hosts not only the More Lucid Team, but also friends, collaborators and residents scholars.

If you are interested in visiting or joining our team, reach out to

Email us
example research for members

Our aim with More Lucid is to enhance cognitive performance and prevent cognitive decline.

What does the intervention involve?

Nootropics, phototherapy, neurofeedback, exercise, sensory training, phenomenological explorations and meditation. These can be done together or separately

How much does it cost ?

Up to date material about our intervention costs 49$/month, the items required to do it can be purchased for as little as 120$ depending on location, but more complex setup will increase costs.

How long does the intervention take ?

Depending on how much time you have, you can do versions that take as little as 10 minutes a day, or as long as 4 hours a day. We currently suggest people keep doing this for 2 weeks, but members are welcome to experiment with longer or shorter durations.

How up to date is your data ?

We update both the interventions people self experiment with and our understanding of various therapies whenever new research is published (including preprints) and every time one of our members reports data from running the interventions. Expect improvements every few weeks !

How do you measure results ?

Using a mix of fluid IQ tests, processing speed assessments and memory tests

What else is included ?

You get access to a community of members running their own self experiments, direct support from the more lucid team, fine-tuned wikis for hundreds of supplements and nootropics as well as a chat-bot fine tuned to answer questions about the cognitive enhancement space (this is our custom-trained model, not a GPT wrapper ^^)